Abuse and NeglectAdverse Childhood Experiences SurveyEmotional Intelligence
Recent research has discovered a disastrous result for the physical and mental health of the modern world and child. About half of children world are raised with an attachment disorder. They do not have a secure attachment to their mothers. …
Abuse and NeglectPsychopathic BehaviorTactic to avoid ChangeThinking Errors
In order to understand the enemies of sound research into daycare we have to look at the dark side of personality. We have to be comfortable with discussing psychopathy, sociopathy, narcissism, and the negative traits and behaviors within those diagnosis….
Abuse and NeglectAdverse Childhood Experiences SurveyEmotional Intelligence
The question of how much daycare families should use is vitally important. The quality and quantity of daycare parents subject their children has livelong consequences. The affects are wide-reaching, affecting children’s attachment to their parents, happiness, anxiety, depression and other…