Emotional Competencies are Portable Skills and should be taught at a young age

Emotional Competencies are the personal and social skills that make people more successful in organizations and relationships so they can have more successful careers. Guess what? The family structure is also an organization with relationships and being parent is a lifelong job. Even having someone is divorced being a co-parent is often a lifelong relationship. The portable skills that were taught to young ladies in Jr. High and High School years ago are the same skills it takes to undertake successful client management for a large account holder in a multinational firm.
The emotional competencies should be taught at a young age with as much focus on being successful in one’s personal relationships as it is being successful in one’s professional relationships. The education should be gender responsive to teach girls how to be caring and loving wives and mothers. Likewise, boys to be caring and loving fathers and husbands. Part of this education is a clear understanding that emotional intelligent people are not selfish, abusive or neglectful. The earlier that people learn these portable skills the happier their lives will be. Also, the happier the lives of everyone who engages with them.