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A Big Five Personality Domain. Conscientiousness denotes the degree to which an individual organizes their pursuits. High scorers show a lot of orderliness, planning, and control. They have a tendency to steer clear of danger and risk, and their successes in life are often related to their knack for perseverance and planning. Low scorers “let tomorrow take care of itself,” and can be thought of as more spontaneous and impulsive. People usually display the highest levels of conscientiousness on the activities or goals that they value the most. Likewise, they show less conscientiousness when they do activities or pursue goals they don’t value.

The advantages of high conscientiousness with regard to work and education are therefore obvious but, on the other hand, very high levels of conscientiousness may also predispose a person for perfectionism and/or workaholism.

Self-Assurance; Orderliness; Dutifulness; Achievement-Striving; Self-Discipline and Prudence are the subdomains of conscientiousness

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