A Big Five Personality Domain. High scorers like high levels of externally-oriented activity. They are energetic, sociable, pleasure-seeking, and talkative, whereas people with lower scores tend to be more reserved, quiet, low-key, and subdued. Introverts also tend to need more time alone to feel at ease.
Extroversion a measure of how much somene enjoys or is excited by outer-directed activity and does not necissarily mean “prosocial.” Extroversion does not, for example, describe the extent to which an individual takes a genuine interest in others. Individuals with low extroversion scores should not be seen as asocial or uninterested in others – they simply need less outside stimulation and prefer to spend more time alone.
Positive Emotions; Excitement-Seeking; Activity Level; Assertiveness; Gregariousness and Warmth are the subdomains of extraversion