Birds of a Feather Flock Together: Why Mildly Abusive and Neglectful Mothers Defend Severely Abusive and Neglectful Mothers
Why is it when someone tries to improve society for the better they are often attacked from multiple angles? One would understand why severely abusive and neglectful women would be hostile to the work. But why is there likely to be more outrage, misrepresentation and rejection than acceptances of a free cure to declining happiness? Simply put, birds of a feather flock together. The smallest duck and the largest duck fly in the same formation when they migrate south for winter. In the same manner, women that are mildly abusive and neglectful instinctually defend women that are severely Abusive and Neglectful. The first line of defense for these people is defending behavior that is worse than their behavior.
You see behavior all over the place. A high functioning alcoholic would make excuses for a low functioning alcoholic. Someone that is somewhat tardy to work will make excuses for someone that is chronically tardy. Someone that has poor boundaries in relationships makes excuses for cheaters. Below is a great explanation of how mild narcissists will cover for other more severe narcissists.
There are a lot of broken homes in the modern world with plenty of men to blame as well. If this work actualizes women’s harmful behavior women what happens if society turns its eye to behavior that these men harmful behaviors? Abusive and neglectful men will also defend maternal abuse and neglect.
Perhaps the saddest group of people that would attack this work are the host of men and women that may want to do well, to be caring and loving, but they functionally have Stockholm Syndrome and will come to the aid of Abusive and Neglectful people.