- 12:1 Ratio
- Abuse and Neglect
- Accurate Self-Assessment
- Achievement Drive
- Achievement Striving
- Activity Level
- Actualization
- Adaptability
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Aesthetic Interest
- Agency capture
- Agreeableness
- Altruism
- Anger
- anti-social expectations
- anti-social values
- Anxiety
- Assault Cycle
- Assertiveness
- Attempting to Confuse
- Bearing
- Behavior modification
- Be Technically and Tactically Proficient
- Big Five Personality Traits
- Blank Face Experiments
- Building Bonds
- Building Myself Up By Putting Others Down
- Building Oneself Up as a Good Person
- Caring and Loving
- Change Catalyst
- Charismatic Criminal
- Charismatic Criminals
- Chosen Child
- Claiming They have Changed Enough
- Close Channel
- Codependency
- Collaboration and Cooperation
- Commitment
- Communication
- Concrete Thinking
- Conflict Management
- Conscientiousness
- Conscientiousness
- Cooperation-Compliance
- Corrosion and Cut-Off
- Courage
- Criminal Pride
- Decisiveness
- Deferment
- degenerate
- Deliberate Postponement
- Dependability
- Depressivity
- Develop A Sense Of Responsibility Among Your Children
- Developing Others
- Diversion
- Diversity Tolerance
- Divorce Discount
- DoGooder
- Double Bind
- Dutifulness
- Earnestness
- Emotional Awareness
- Emotional Incest
- Emotional Intelligence
- Emotional Orientation
- Empathy
- Employ Your Family Within its Capabilities
- Endurance
- Energy
- Ensure That The Task Is Understood, Supervised, and Accomplished
- Enthusiasm
- Excitement-Seeking
- Experimentation
- Extraversion
- Fabian Society
- Failure to Assume Obligations
- Failure to Assume Responsible Initiatives
- Failure to Consider Injury to Others
- Failure to Make an Effort or Endure Adversity
- Failure to Put Oneself In another's position
- False Assent
- Fantasy
- Fear
- Fear of Fear
- Feeding Others what I think they Ought to know (controlling the narrative)
- Feeding Other What I think they want to hear
- Feminine Zeitgeist
- Fragmentation
- Generalizing to the Point of Absurdity
- Gregariousness
- Hammerstein-Equord Leadership Model
- Hardworking and Smart
- Hardworking and Stupid
- High-Risk Behaviors
- Hostage Taking
- I Can't
- Immoderation
- Influence
- Initiative
- Initiative
- Innovation
- Integrity
- Intellectualism
- Invasive Parent
- Irritatability
- JJ Did Tie Buckle
- Judgement
- Justice
- Keep Your family Informed
- Knowledge
- Know Your Family And Look Out For Their Welfare
- Know Yourself and Seek Improvement
- Lack of Interest in Responsible Performance
- Lack of Time Perspective
- Lack of Trust
- Lazy and Smart
- Lazy and Stupid:
- Left-Out Child(ren)
- Left-Out Spouse
- Leveraging Diversity
- Lonerism
- Loyalty
- Lying
- Lying
- Make Sound And Timely Decisions
- Marine Corps Leadership Principles for Parents
- Marine Corps Leadership Traits and Principles for Parents
- Marine Corps Leadership Traits for Parents
- Maternal Neglect Industry
- Minimization
- Misunderstanding
- Modern Woman
- Modesty
- Moral Exemplar
- Moral Hazard
- Motivation
- Negative Punishment
- Negative Reinforcement
- Neglect Cycle
- Neuroticism
- Non-Maternal Day Care
- Openness
- Optimism
- Orderliness
- Ownership
- Perfectionism
- Perfidy
- Personal Skills
- Perverse Incentives
- Political Awareness
- Poor Decision Making For Responsible Living
- Positive Emotions
- Positive Punishment
- Positive Reinforcement
- Power Thrusting
- Pretentousness
- Principal-Agent Problem
- pro-social expectations
- Pro-Social Values
- Prudence
- Putting others on the defensive; the tactic of attack
- Refusal to be seen as dependent
- Regenerate
- Religion
- Rent Seeking
- Seek Responsibilities And Take Responsibility
- Seemingly unimportant decisions
- Selective Attention
- Self-Assurance
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Confidence
- Self-Consciousness
- Self-Control
- Self-Discipline
- Self-Regulation
- self-sabotage
- Sentimentality
- Service Orientation
- Set The Example
- Sexuality
- Silence
- Social Adeptness
- Social Skills
- Spouse of the Chosen Child
- Standard Public Education
- Suggestability
- SuperOptimism
- Sympathy-Compassion
- Tact
- Tactical Confession
- Tactics to Avoid Change
- Tardiness and Missed Appointments
- Team Capabilities
- Tender Years
- The Flock
- The Iron Law of Oligarchy
- Thinking Error
- Total Inattention
- Train Your Family As A Team
- Trauma Informed Care
- Trauma Informed Woman
- Trust
- Trustworthiness
- Understanding Others
- Uniqueness
- Unselfishness
- Useful Idiot
- Vaugueness
- Victim Stance
- Vulnerability
- Warmth
- Zero State
- Home
- Donate
- State of the Blog
- Fundamental Frameworks
- How to use the Emotional Intelligence Framework to be a Caring and Loving Woman
- How to use Thinking Errors and Correctives
- 19 Tactics to Avoid Change Abusive and Neglectful People Use
- Marine Corps Leadership Principles: Being a Caring and Loving Parent
- United States Marine Corps Leadership Traits: How to use the 14 traits for Parenting
- How To Avoid 20 Sociopathic & Psychopathic Behaviors to Be a Caring and Loving Person
- Why Focus on Reducing Maternal Abuse and Neglect to Increase Happiness?
- Key Concepts
- Existing organizations are staffed with Abusive and Neglectful Women who give bad advice
- Most Gender Responsive policies are a sham for not including bona fide responsivity to masculinity
- Emotional Competencies are Portable Skills and should be taught at a young age
- Teaching children about Maternal Abuse and Neglect should be done before Jr High
- People intentionally misunderstand Averages and Empirical Generalizations
- We must overcome the Overton Window to be more caring and loving
- Women could achieve more with less stress if they do things better
- Small Things Add Up for both good and the bad
- Foundational Facts are often dismissed as being overly simple
- We cannot address maternal Abuse and Neglect without discussing how these women behave with men in their lives
- If you were accused of being a good mother would there be enough evidence to convict?
- Abuse and Neglect are not culturally defined
- Motherhood Is Not Graded On A Bell Curve
- Birds of a Feather Flock Together: Why Mildly Abusive and Neglectful Mothers Defend Severely Abusive and Neglectful Mothers
- Loving and Caring Parents Love their Children before they are even conceived
- The Goal of “Not Being Bad” is a Valid Step on the way to being “Good”
- Too late to make changes for your children? Make changes for grandchildren
- Generational Problems in Happiness Need Generational Solutions