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The Emotional Intelligence Social Skill Domain related to awareness of other’s feelings, needs, and concerns. The subdomains are Understanding, Service Orientation, Developing Others, Leveraging Diversity & Political Awareness make up Empathy.

When a emotionally intelligent woman considers empathy for “us” and “we” she considers her family first and not women she may have never met. For example, if she hears a story about a woman cheating on her husband, she empathizes with the husband because she imagines the pain her son would feel if his wife cheated on him. If she hears about a temptress pursuing a family man she considers the damage to the wife, who is symbolically her daughter, and any children in the relationship she considers symbolically her own children.

The emotionally intelligent woman does not empathizes with a home wrecker, temptress or abusive mother, she empathizes with their victims. Her heart would ache if she found out a woman made a false allegation of abuse against a man, realizing that could happen to her own son or other family member. This discomfort isn’t intellectual but something she feels intensely in her own body. She is sensitive to the pain she could cause to her family by a single negative interaction.

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