Generalizing to the Point of Absurdity
A Tactic to Avoid Change. When others ask The Abusive and Neglectful Woman to engage in responsible behaviors that are not to her liking, she exaggerates the request to such proportions so that it is impossible to achieve and use this as an excuse to not attempt it, and thus not change.
Example: Someone may point out that because she lacks a sense of responsibility she could work on her integrity. She would then accuse the person of trying to make her a push over and a slave for the rest of her life. She responds to the strict requirements for responsibility by claiming such changes are impossible and all who partake in them are puritans or robots, etc… This reflects her unhealthy view of what responsibility entails. However, it is also a calculated tactic to generalize a mentors philosophy to absurdity, thereby discrediting them and offering an excuse to avoid change.