Putting others on the defensive; the tactic of attack
A Tactic to Avoid Change. The Abuse and Neglectful woman is learning skills and concepts. Rather than improving herself she tries to assume the role of teacher and convert others to her point of view. She may become combative and attacks in a variety of ways. She may be hypercritical, sarcastic, abusive, etc.
Anger is the habitual way in which she attempts to achieve control. She knows there is nothing to be gained from engaging in discussion with an angry, abusive person so she uses this as a way to avoid contact. In programs in which participants are encouraged to “vent” and “open up with their feelings”, she will use this as an opportunity to abusively attack others and verbally assault, claiming that this is a form of “dealing with her anger problem”.
This simply propagates her anger problem. It allows her to continue irresponsibility and disrespect for others, as well as attempting to gain power and control.