Abuse and NeglectPsychopathic BehaviorTactic to avoid ChangeThinking Errors

The Narcissistic Enemies of Research into Excessive Non-Maternal Daycare

How Emotionally Intelligent Women Respond to Research into Daycare

The emotionally intelligent woman understands that there is unity between truth and goodness.  She seeks out knowledge of how to be a good mother and rejects narcissistic feminist lies.  With a mature understanding of herself and a lack of narcissistic splitting she can undertake accurate self-assessment about her current expectations. She then honestly and holistically reviews the research into maternal neglect and abuse without hostility towards the truth.

As a well adjudged person she is excited to learn what it takes to be good mother  so she can be good person.  A emotionally intelligent woman understands that hostility to sound research into maternal abuse and neglect makes her an enemy to children everywhere.  She is empathetic to her children and has a service orientation so she can see to their needs and not lose her own individuality.  Her achievement drive is towards creating healthy well adjusted children. She is completely absent all reactionary anger what sexual diversity brings to gender roles.  Secondly, she has the communication skills to completely and totally avoid all double binds in conversations.  She would never punish someone for telling the truth about maternal abuse and neglect.

A key component of emotional intelligence is innovation.  A innovative woman finds new ways to be caring and loving.  She does not find novel excuses to be neglectful and abusive.  She is open to all sorts of ideas, even traditional gender roles.


You can often easily tell if a woman has narcissistic traits by discussing the responsibilities of motherhood with them. Does she listen with an open mind over what the sound research shows, or does she instantly latch onto the poor research? What happens when you explain to her exactly how the bad research was atrocious performed?  Is there reactive anger?  Does she create lies and false versions of the conversation that you had?

Women, it is really important that you do a self-assessment around how you view your responsibilities as a mother. If you met a man who knows the research around maternal abuse and neglect and for some reason you don’t like the fact that he has this knowledge then that is a sign you have some deep flaws to work on. If you think that a man wanting his children to have a stay-at-home mom while they are in the tender years is a bad thing but you think you are opposed to childhood neglect you have to realize you are lying to yourself. It turns out you are OK with maternal neglect and you support emotional deadbeats.

Men, you cannot trust a woman that won’t review the information herself and come back with serious questions.  You know immediately if she is pro-neglect if she is a choice feminist.  That is an automatic rule out.  If she accepts the research to quickly then she has adopted it to superficially.  Her commitment to her children and marriage will be too superficial. Do what you can to teach your children from a young age how important it is for women to be caring and loving stay at home mothers while the children are still young.

Once someone begins to comprehend how widespread maternal narcissism is one almost has a sense of horror.  Almost every woman you know has participated in creating a world where women get to neglect and abuse their children as they see fit. They villainize reasonable efforts to make them caring and loving.  Almost effortlessly they play narcissistic games to make the responsibilities of motherhood seem unreasonable. They make token efforts to lure men into a state of trust before betraying them.

Please join me in refusing to accept this.

[1] A great study using eye tracing technology: Up to 80% of respondents lie on a survey. Frontiers | Assessing Deception in Questionnaire Surveys With Eye-Tracking (frontiersin.org).  Absolutely damning for anyone that wants to rely on survey data.

[2] https://europepmc.org/backend/ptpmcrender.fcgi?accid=PMC5115787&blobtype=pdf


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