Teaching children about Maternal Abuse and Neglect should be done before Jr High
The research into maternal neglect and abuse is pretty clear and it is understandable at an early age. It is not hard to understand that children need a certain quality of care from their mothers. Nor is it hard to teach that children need a certain quantity of care. Therefore, it is possible for children to have too much daycare. Higher grades of elementary/primary school can each children to recognize psychopathic or narcissistic values, expectations or behavior in people. This will make avoiding those people so much easier. There is nothing about Trauma Informed Care or the ACES framework that suggest it be taught in college or on the job.
Schools can and should give girls a gender responsive education. This includes training that prepares future mothers to self-evaluate any thoughts or values that are anti-social and prone to neglect. That education trains them to be trauma informed women before they are even capable of having children. Boys likewise should receive a gender-responsive education that values masculinity so they can be good fathers. Few things would do more to improve happiness on a generational bases than dispelling decades of feminist misinformation about motherhood and fatherhood.
Both sexes should likewise learn about emotional intelligence at the same time. There is nothing so complicated about emotional intelligence teachers could not deliver a customized framework to 10- or 12-year-old students.