Existing organizations are staffed with Abusive and Neglectful Women who give bad advice

The American Psychological Association is an existing organization filled with highly educated Abusive and Neglectful women. They lack the emotional intelligence to be good mothers because their thinking is anti-social. Below is an article published by The American Psychology Association’s Division 35: The Psychology of Women. You can clearly read that the authors adviser has worked full time and given birth to two children. The author witnesses this mother struggling with sleep and wonders “why is it just accepted as a reality that mothers must struggle through.”
Existing organizations are filled with women like this. Instead of being an attentive and attached mother this advisor is neglecting her child. Mommy would rather live the “academic lifestyle”. The mother is tired because she chose to be. The author does not suggest her advisor has misplaced goals. She does not recommend she improve her ability to manage bed time. This mother is 100% responsible for her own lack of sleep and being overworked. She is the one putting her child’s heath at risk because she is living the academic life. Feminist literature is filled with women complaining that neglecting their children is so hard on them, (and not the child).
In the terms of Hammerstein-Equord these existing organizations are filled with Hard-Working and stupid people. Those are the worst people you want to have around. The advisor isn’t “smart” enough to be a stay-at-home mom during her children’s tender years. Very likely the advisor morally balance her maternal Abuse and Neglect by pointing to the good work she does. The advisor, her child, and society would be better off if the advisor was smart and lazy.

Politics and Organizational Theory
Maternal Abuse and Neglect does not exist in a vacuum. These Women, vote sit on juries, staff schools and government agencies, and hold public office. In all of these capabilities they advance their agenda. They shape public policy and work to shift the Overton Window away from discussing the root causes of maternal abuse and neglect: women’s individual choices. These women also shift the Overton window away from effective solutions to abuse and neglect. The most important solution being unilateral self-improvement of women as wives and mothers.