Why Focus on Reducing Maternal Abuse and Neglect to Increase Happiness?

Painful Truths

People avoid painful truths.  One painful truth is just how easy a lot of these abusive and neglectful behaviors are to avoid by women who have a hint of emotional intelligence. On the flip side of that coin is just how emotionally unintelligent many modern women are.

Another painful truth is how women are in large part unilaterally responsible for these abusive and neglectful behaviors.  Part of this painful truth is the decades and generations of feminist effort to rebrand maternal responsibility as oppression. Many women are not receptive to advice on being warm people as a matter of their personal integrity. They want to have a feckless warmth that they can discard whenever their impulses get the better of them.

Conclusion: A Fantasy where all women are Trauma Informed Mothers

Someone can change their mind for free. As an example, someone could read the research into a fasting diet and implement changes at no cost and see many improvements in their health. Someone could read how to improve their sleep for free and implement those changes. Other people can read articles on how to get out of debt and save money for no cost except a bit of their time to read the materials and work on new habits.

The cost of improving happiness is Zero point zero dollars. In fact, it can lead to net savings for society. The savings are going to be centered on households, and frankly, at the expense of the maternal neglect industry.

I imagine that only about 10% of women are functionally Trauma Informed Mothers. It isn’t enough to know the research or concepts, people need to respond and resist the harm of maternal neglect. To many mothers don’t. But we can pump those numbers up for free.

It will cost people practically nothing to read this blog from time to time. Practically nothing to read about emotionally intelligent mothers. How to avoid maternal abuse and neglect. If you can find the time, please accept my personal appeal to be a reader. Help me clarify anything that I didn’t make clear. Help me improve happiness by addressing maternal abuse and neglect. Generations will be better off for it.

The results?

  • Happiness: Up
  • Heart Disease: down
  • sexual assault: down
  • Domestic violence: down
  • suicide: down
  • obesity: down
  • so many more ills: down

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